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Sing, Sign & Speak Holiday

The Holiday Play Class Series is for families who sign with their babies and are looking for a fun-filled way to ring in the winter holiday season. These parent-child classes include engaging activities and songs that incorporate ASL signs that are related to holiday and winter themes like Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year. From new foods your child is eating to relatives he or she sees but once a year, the classes do more than teach families the signs for the holidays themselves - they give you a way to communicate with your child about all the wondrous aspects of the season. In these classes you will learn how to use American Sign Language to lighten the pressures of the holidays, as well as how to understand and experience this magical and confusing time of year from your child's perspective. As in the Babies and Toddlers Programs, we integrate signs into gross motor play, large and small group activities, singing, and much more.

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Tuition for all Music Together classes includes family materials to use at home (e.g., recordings of our award-winning music, illustrated songbook, parent education resources). See individual class type pages for details.

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